
630g.com 发布于 2024-03-25 阅读(67)


As an online multiplayer game, League of Legends requires a stable and fast internet connection to ensure smooth gameplay experience. However, factors such as ping, latency, and high ms (millisecond) can significantly affect the game's performance. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks on how to lower your ms in League of Legends.

Multi-level Titles:

I. Use a Wired Connection

II. Disable Background Applications

III. Optimize Your Network Settings

IV. Upgrade Your Hardware


I. Use a Wired Connection

One of the easiest ways to reduce your ms in League of Legends is to use a wired connection instead of wifi. A wired connection provides a more stable and faster internet connection, resulting in lower latency and ping. If you're using a desktop computer, consider connecting it using an Ethernet cable.

II. Disable Background Applications

Another factor that can increase your ms in League of Legends is background applications that consume a lot of bandwidth. These can include file-sharing programs, web browsers, and software updates. To improve your connection, close all unnecessary background applications before playing League of Legends.

III. Optimize Your Network Settings

Sometimes tweaking your network settings can help you reduce your ms in League of Legends. You can reduce your network buffering by increasing your bandwidth and limiting the number of simultaneous connections. This can be done by accessing your router's configuration page and adjusting the settings accordingly.

IV. Upgrade Your Hardware

If you're experiencing consistently high ms in League of Legends, you may need to upgrade your hardware. This can include your router, modem, or your computer's network card. Upgrading these components can provide faster and more stable internet speeds, resulting in a lower ms.


In conclusion, there are several steps you can take to lower your ms in League of Legends. Using a wired connection, disabling background applications, optimizing your network settings, and upgrading your hardware can all have a significant impact on your gameplay experience. By following these tips, you can enjoy a seamless and smooth League of Legends experience with lower ms.

标签:  英雄联盟怎么降低ms